Treatment Post COVID-19
Many systems are affected when someone has had Coronavirus, and these effects can last for some time. The systems/organs involved include: circulatory system; pulmonary system/lungs; nervous system; cognitive issues; kidneys; stomach; pancreas; liver; small intestine. Manual Therapy, Visceral Manipulation, Neural Manipulation and Vascular Manipulation can be very helpful to counter the effects of the virus on our body and help to create homeostasis in the organism. We are available to focus on Visceral and Manual Therapy techniques directed at Coronavirus complications.

Our office is open
We are taking safety measures to sanitize the office spaces. All patients and staff must wear masks when coming to the office, and all patients must be without viral symptoms, such as sneezing, coughing and fever, no matter the cause. Additionally, family members and housemates must be without these symptoms as well. This is for the safety of us all. Thank you for your consideration.